Welcome To Credibuiders

My Corporate Services’ credit specialists have designed a secured small business credit builder program called Credibuilders® and it’s designed to help Canadian and American small business establish business credit so you can’t stop using your personal credit.

For the all start-ups and some established business owners find it difficult trying to navigate the credit and lending world, especially when your company has no credit history. It can feel like a vicious Catch-22 -where you have to prove yourself before they lend to you, but you can provide yourself until the lenders give you the capital.

The majority of commercial banks and traditional lenders are reluctant to loosen their purse strings until you’ve proven yourself with payment history. If by luck they do lend to you it will most likely require strength of your personal credit and a personal guarantee to fund your business. The problem is when you use personal credit, your mortgage, auto loan and personal credit cards all affect your ability to qualify for a business loan, and may increase you’re the interests rate you pay or cause a problem when you want to obtain personal or business credit – combining the two is not a good idea unless absolutely necessary.